
What, How & Why – PPC for Small Businesses

What, How & Why – PPC for Small Businesses

This is going to be a short article that answers your questions surrounding PPC (Pay Per Click) Advertising. You may have heard about it and even know quite a bit about it, but depending who you have spoken to and what you have read then you may have the complete wrong understanding of what PPC […]

How the Real Estate Industry is Dealing with the Covid-19 Crisis

How the Real Estate Industry is Dealing with the Covid-19 Crisis

The real estate, like most other industries and small businesses, has been put on hold for the time being, and rightly so! But after working with estate agents for the last 5 years, and still having many clients across the UK, how can we be proactive with our marketing? Now, this article isn’t going to […]

Kitchen Retailers & Covid 19 – what are they doing to tackle it?

Kitchen Retailers & Covid 19 – what are they doing to tackle it?

If you are in the business of fitting or designing new kitchens then you will be aware that, like many other businesses in the UK right now, things have slowed down a lot. What I will talk about briefly in this article is how has the industry been hit in terms of companies online presence. […]

SEO & Marketing Strategies for Solicitors & Lawyers

SEO & Marketing Strategies for Solicitors & Lawyers

When it comes to marketing a solicitor’s firm you really have to understand your goals, what do you want to do? Stay where you are but dominate the location you are in? Establish yourself as a nationwide brand? Start expanding out with plans to build new branches? All of these plans require a different approach […]

Repetitive Advertising – Does it work or do I hate it?

Repetitive Advertising – Does it work or do I hate it?

We hate it, but sometimes it works. I am sick of seeing GoDaddy adverts, I don’t think I have seeing anything else but a GoDaddy advert for about a week now. I am pretty sure they are sneaking into my dreams. Seeing this many adverts really makes me despise the company, in fact, I say […]

How To Market Healthcare Services

How To Market Healthcare Services

A fundamental aspect that any health professional must take into account regardless of their specialty is knowing how to market their healthcare services. It is very common to find professionals who do not know how to sell their services or who simply dedicate themselves to offering their services at any cost without giving importance to the […]

How Much Does a Digital Marketing Campaign Cost?

How Much Does a Digital Marketing Campaign Cost?

Digital marketing is quite big these days and understandably so: with the internet being so important in our everyday lives, marketing in the digital world is becoming increasingly more necessary to achieve success as a business. The better the digital marketing campaign, the greater the success you’re going to have. But of course, there’s one […]