The Brief

The brief was simple… To boost ticket sales for Cardiff Pumpkin Festival and the way we have been able to do this is through PPC advertising. We have used Google Adwords and Facebook Advertising to produce impressive results.

"Catalyst has been a valuable asset in boosting our marketing strategy. Chris, Kane, Kierrya and Nick have provided consistent support and insightful suggestions, helping us with ticket sales. Their expertise in Facebook Advertising and Google Ads has notably driven increased ticket sales for our festival. We appreciate their guidance and dedication.”

What We Did

We began by producing captivating creatives that relate to Cardiff Pumpkin Festival which will entice potential buyers. With the images created, we were able to proceed by crafting a well structured campaign aimed at reaching as many people in the Cardiff area who are likely to purchase tickets.

One of the key steps we took for the success of our business was implementing conversion tracking across our entire website and within our Google Ads account.

This is so we could track where the conversions have came from, if that was either from our Google Adwords campaign or our Facebook Campaign. This also helped to see what exactly the users were doing on the site.

Another crucial measure we used involved consistent A/B testing of ads, aiming to finely tune the ideal ad copy and creative. This testing significantly contributed to the remarkable results showcased below.

“They wanted to sell out their event and that is what we set out to do”

Results, Stats & Creatives

Within the last few weeks of working with them we started seeing fantastic results for both Google Adwords and Facebook Advertising which you can see down below.

£113.6K total sales

12,850 tickets sold

Between September 2nd and the end of October, the Cardiff Pumpkin Festival experienced a substantial surge in ticket sales and total revenue, credited entirely to our Facebook and Google AdWords Strategy. Our impactful ad creatives coupled with precisely targeted ad copy resonated incredibly well with the intended audience, generating highly impressive outcomes. Remarkably, tickets were consistently selling out during this period.

Between September and October, we worked on different types of content creatives, including images and GIFs. We experimented with various animations and text combinations in these creatives. Through this ongoing testing, we found that the creatives on the left side were the most effective in generating results at a lower cost per conversion.

11+ Years Of Digital Experience

We deliver solutions to all parts of your marketing strategy; making growth simple and effective.

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